Thursday, May 5, 2011

And so it begins...

I recently found out I was accepted into the BYU animation program, so I decided it was finally time to make an art blog and release it into the world.. This blog will be where I post up my finished projects and WIP's while I grow and progress as an animation student over the next few years. Below is a little demo reel I put together to showcase my work as a Freshman that I completed here at BYU over the past 3 semesters. Thanks for visiting my blog and Enjoy!

Ethan Hunsaker Demo Reel 2014 from Ethan Hunsaker on Vimeo.

PS- I painted the "Easy E" blog header for myself with good old Photoshop cs5, I was going for a Tron/Bladerunner/Back to the Future look, let me know what you think, I'm pretty proud of it!


  1. Bravo Ethano! You are on the route to greatness.

  2. congrats, man! your stuff is looking siiick

  3. I'm excited to see your progression from here.

  4. Dude thats freakin sweet. I'd hire you. haha

  5. Sweet Blog!!
    My browser pretty much exploded when it loaded!

  6. Nice stuff bro. Sorry for the delay linking to you. Way to go dude. You got a bright future.

  7. if this was facebook i would like all of your comments, thanks everyone it means a lot!

  8. dood more posts!!your stuff is lookin really good. did you get your mission call?

  9. Dang! This is a stellar reel Easy E
